Contact Info
Ottar Landfalds veg
Ottestad, Stange
+47 969 57 088

Icofont Icon Set

Below you can find the list of 1400+ solid font icons. All these retina-ready icons
can easily be styled by color, size, shadow, and anything possible with CSS.

Web Application

  • addons
  • address-book
  • adjust
  • alarm
  • anchor
  • archive
  • at
  • attachment
  • audio
  • automation
  • badge
  • bag-alt
  • bag
  • ban
  • bar-code
  • bars
  • basket
  • battery-empty
  • battery-full
  • battery-half
  • battery-low
  • beaker
  • beard
  • bed
  • bell
  • beverage
  • bill
  • bin
  • binary
  • binoculars
  • bluetooth
  • bomb
  • book-mark
  • box
  • briefcase
  • broken
  • bucket
  • bucket1
  • bucket2
  • bug
  • building
  • bulb-alt
  • bullet
  • bullhorn
  • bullseye
  • calendar
  • camera-alt
  • camera
  • card
  • cart-alt
  • cart
  • cc
  • charging
  • chat
  • check-alt
  • check-circled
  • check
  • checked
  • children-care
  • clip
  • clock-time
  • close-circled
  • close-line-circled
  • close-line-squared-alt
  • close-line-squared
  • close-line
  • close-squared-alt
  • close-squared
  • close
  • cloud-download
  • cloud-refresh
  • cloud-upload
  • cloud
  • code-not-allowed
  • code
  • comment
  • compass-alt
  • compass
  • computer
  • connection
  • console
  • contacts
  • contrast
  • copyright
  • credit-card
  • crop
  • crown
  • cube
  • cubes
  • dashboard-web
  • dashboard
  • data
  • database-add
  • database-locked
  • database-remove
  • database
  • delete
  • diamond
  • dice-multiple
  • dice
  • disc
  • diskette
  • document-folder
  • download-alt
  • download
  • downloaded
  • drag
  • drag1
  • drag2
  • drag3
  • earth
  • ebook
  • edit
  • eject
  • email
  • envelope-open
  • envelope
  • eraser
  • error
  • excavator
  • exchange
  • exclamation-circle
  • exclamation-square
  • exclamation-tringle
  • exclamation
  • exit
  • expand
  • external-link
  • external
  • eye-alt
  • eye-blocked
  • eye-dropper
  • eye
  • favourite
  • fax
  • file-fill
  • film
  • filter
  • fire-alt
  • fire-burn
  • fire
  • flag-alt-1
  • flag-alt-2
  • flag
  • flame-torch
  • flash-light
  • flash
  • flask
  • focus
  • folder-open
  • folder
  • foot-print
  • garbage
  • gear-alt
  • gear
  • gears
  • gift
  • glass
  • globe
  • graffiti
  • grocery
  • hand
  • hanger
  • hard-disk
  • heart-alt
  • heart
  • history
  • home
  • horn
  • hour-glass
  • id
  • image
  • inbox
  • infinite
  • info-circle
  • info-square
  • info
  • institution
  • interface
  • invisible
  • jacket
  • jar
  • jewlery
  • karate
  • key-hole
  • key
  • label
  • lamp
  • layers
  • layout
  • leaf
  • leaflet
  • learn
  • lego
  • lens
  • letter
  • letterbox
  • library
  • license
  • life-bouy
  • life-buoy
  • life-jacket
  • life-ring
  • light-bulb
  • lighter
  • lightning-ray
  • like
  • line-height
  • link-alt
  • link
  • list
  • listening
  • listine-dots
  • listing-box
  • listing-number
  • live-support
  • location-arrow
  • location-pin
  • lock
  • login
  • logout
  • lollipop
  • long-drive
  • look
  • loop
  • luggage
  • lunch
  • lungs
  • magic-alt
  • magic
  • magnet
  • mail-box
  • mail
  • male
  • map-pins
  • map
  • maximize
  • measure
  • medicine
  • mega-phone
  • megaphone-alt
  • megaphone
  • memorial
  • memory-card
  • mic-mute
  • mic
  • military
  • mill
  • minus-circle
  • minus-square
  • minus
  • mobile-phone
  • molecule
  • money
  • moon
  • mop
  • muffin
  • mustache
  • navigation-menu
  • navigation
  • network-tower
  • network
  • news
  • newspaper
  • no-smoking
  • not-allowed
  • notebook
  • notepad
  • notification
  • numbered
  • opposite
  • optic
  • options
  • package
  • page
  • paint
  • paper-plane
  • paperclip
  • papers
  • pay
  • penguin-linux
  • pestle
  • phone-circle
  • phone
  • picture
  • pine
  • pixels
  • plugin
  • plus-circle
  • plus-square
  • plus
  • polygonal
  • power
  • price
  • print
  • puzzle
  • qr-code
  • queen
  • question-circle
  • question-square
  • question
  • quote-left
  • quote-right
  • random
  • recycle
  • refresh
  • repair
  • reply-all
  • reply
  • resize
  • responsive
  • retweet
  • road
  • robot
  • royal
  • rss-feed
  • safety
  • sale-discount
  • satellite
  • send-mail
  • server
  • settings-alt
  • settings
  • share-alt
  • share-boxed
  • share
  • shield
  • shopping-cart
  • sign-in
  • sign-out
  • signal
  • site-map
  • smart-phone
  • soccer
  • sort-alt
  • sort
  • space
  • spanner
  • speech-comments
  • speed-meter
  • spinner-alt-1
  • spinner-alt-2
  • spinner-alt-3
  • spinner-alt-4
  • spinner-alt-5
  • spinner-alt-6
  • spinner
  • spreadsheet
  • square
  • ssl-security
  • star-alt-1
  • star-alt-2
  • star
  • street-view
  • support-faq
  • tack-pin
  • tag
  • tags
  • tasks-alt
  • tasks
  • telephone
  • telescope
  • terminal
  • thumbs-down
  • thumbs-up
  • tick-boxed
  • tick-mark
  • ticket
  • tie
  • toggle-off
  • toggle-on
  • tools-alt-2
  • tools
  • touch
  • traffic-light
  • transparent
  • tree
  • unique-idea
  • unlock
  • unlocked
  • upload-alt
  • upload
  • usb-drive
  • usb
  • vector-path
  • verification-check
  • wall-clock
  • wall
  • wallet
  • warning-alt
  • warning
  • water-drop
  • web
  • wheelchair
  • wifi-alt
  • wifi
  • world
  • zigzag
  • zipped


  • afghani-false
  • afghani-minus
  • afghani-plus
  • afghani-true
  • afghani
  • baht-false
  • baht-minus
  • baht-plus
  • baht-true
  • baht
  • bitcoin-false
  • bitcoin-minus
  • bitcoin-plus
  • bitcoin-true
  • bitcoin
  • dollar-flase
  • dollar-minus
  • dollar-plus
  • dollar-true
  • dollar
  • dong-false
  • dong-minus
  • dong-plus
  • dong-true
  • dong
  • euro-false
  • euro-minus
  • euro-plus
  • euro-true
  • euro
  • frank-false
  • frank-minus
  • frank-plus
  • frank-true
  • frank
  • hryvnia-false
  • hryvnia-minus
  • hryvnia-plus
  • hryvnia-true
  • hryvnia
  • lira-false
  • lira-minus
  • lira-plus
  • lira-true
  • lira
  • peseta-false
  • peseta-minus
  • peseta-plus
  • peseta-true
  • peseta
  • peso-false
  • peso-minus
  • peso-plus
  • peso-true
  • peso
  • pound-false
  • pound-minus
  • pound-plus
  • pound-true
  • pound
  • renminbi-false
  • renminbi-minus
  • renminbi-plus
  • renminbi-true
  • renminbi
  • riyal-false
  • riyal-minus
  • riyal-plus
  • riyal-true
  • riyal
  • rouble-false
  • rouble-minus
  • rouble-plus
  • rouble-true
  • rouble
  • rupee-false
  • rupee-minus
  • rupee-plus
  • rupee-true
  • rupee
  • taka-false
  • taka-minus
  • taka-plus
  • taka-true
  • taka
  • turkish-lira-false
  • turkish-lira-minus
  • turkish-lira-plus
  • turkish-lira-true
  • turkish-lira
  • won-false
  • won-minus
  • won-plus
  • won-true
  • won
  • yen-false
  • yen-minus
  • yen-plus
  • yen-true
  • yen


  • apple
  • arabian-coffee
  • artichoke
  • asparagus
  • avocado
  • baby-food
  • banana
  • bbq
  • beans
  • beer
  • bell-pepper-capsicum
  • birthday-cake
  • bread
  • broccoli
  • burger
  • cabbage
  • carrot
  • cauli-flower
  • cheese
  • chef
  • cherry
  • chicken-fry
  • chicken
  • cocktail
  • coconut-water
  • coconut
  • coffee-alt
  • coffee-cup
  • coffee-mug
  • coffee-pot
  • cola
  • corn
  • croissant
  • crop-plant
  • cucumber
  • culinary
  • cup-cake
  • dining-table
  • donut
  • egg-plant
  • egg-poached
  • farmer-alt
  • farmer
  • fast-food
  • food-basket
  • food-cart
  • fork-and-knife
  • french-fries
  • fruits
  • grapes
  • honey
  • hot-dog
  • ice-cream-alt
  • ice-cream
  • juice
  • ketchup
  • kiwi
  • layered-cake
  • lemon-alt
  • lemon
  • lobster
  • mango
  • milk
  • mushroom
  • noodles
  • onion
  • orange
  • pear
  • peas
  • pepper
  • pie-alt
  • pie
  • pineapple
  • pizza-slice
  • pizza
  • plant
  • popcorn
  • potato
  • pumpkin
  • raddish
  • restaurant-menu
  • restaurant
  • salt-and-pepper
  • sandwich
  • sausage
  • soft-drinks
  • soup-bowl
  • spoon-and-fork
  • steak
  • strawberry
  • sub-sandwich
  • sushi
  • taco
  • tea-pot
  • tea
  • tomato
  • watermelon
  • wheat

Mobile UI

  • ui-add
  • ui-alarm
  • ui-battery
  • ui-block
  • ui-bluetooth
  • ui-brightness
  • ui-browser
  • ui-calendar
  • ui-call
  • ui-camera
  • ui-cart
  • ui-cell-phone
  • ui-chat
  • ui-check
  • ui-clip-board
  • ui-clip
  • ui-clock
  • ui-close
  • ui-contact-list
  • ui-copy
  • ui-cut
  • ui-delete
  • ui-dial-phone
  • ui-edit
  • ui-email
  • ui-file
  • ui-fire-wall
  • ui-flash-light
  • ui-flight
  • ui-folder
  • ui-game
  • ui-handicapped
  • ui-home
  • ui-image
  • ui-laoding
  • ui-lock
  • ui-love-add
  • ui-love-broken
  • ui-love-remove
  • ui-love
  • ui-map
  • ui-message
  • ui-messaging
  • ui-movie
  • ui-music-player
  • ui-music
  • ui-mute
  • ui-network
  • ui-next
  • ui-note
  • ui-office
  • ui-password
  • ui-pause
  • ui-play-stop
  • ui-play
  • ui-pointer
  • ui-power
  • ui-press
  • ui-previous
  • ui-rate-add
  • ui-rate-blank
  • ui-rate-remove
  • ui-rating
  • ui-record
  • ui-remove
  • ui-reply
  • ui-rotation
  • ui-rss
  • ui-search
  • ui-settings
  • ui-social-link
  • ui-tag
  • ui-text-chat
  • ui-text-loading
  • ui-theme
  • ui-timer
  • ui-touch-phone
  • ui-travel
  • ui-unlock
  • ui-user-group
  • ui-user
  • ui-v-card
  • ui-video-chat
  • ui-video-message
  • ui-video-play
  • ui-video
  • ui-volume
  • ui-weather
  • ui-wifi
  • ui-zoom-in
  • ui-zoom-out


  • badminton-birdie
  • baseball
  • baseballer
  • basketball-hoop
  • basketball
  • billiard-ball
  • boot-alt-1
  • boot-alt-2
  • boot
  • bowling-alt
  • bowling
  • canoe
  • cheer-leader
  • climbing
  • corner
  • field-alt
  • field
  • football-alt
  • football-american
  • football
  • foul
  • goal-keeper
  • goal
  • golf-alt
  • golf-bag
  • golf-cart
  • golf-field
  • golf
  • golfer
  • helmet
  • hockey-alt
  • hockey
  • ice-skate
  • jersey-alt
  • jersey
  • jumping
  • kick
  • leg
  • match-review
  • medal-sport
  • offside
  • olympic-logo
  • olympic
  • padding
  • penalty-card
  • racer
  • racing-car
  • racing-flag-alt
  • racing-flag
  • racings-wheel
  • referee
  • refree-jersey
  • result-sport
  • rugby-ball
  • rugby-player
  • rugby
  • runner-alt-1
  • runner-alt-2
  • runner
  • score-board
  • skiing-man
  • skydiving-goggles
  • snow-mobile
  • steering
  • stopwatch
  • substitute
  • swimmer
  • table-tennis
  • team-alt
  • team
  • tennis-player
  • tennis
  • tracking
  • trophy-alt
  • trophy
  • volleyball-alt
  • volleyball-fire
  • volleyball
  • water-bottle
  • whistle-alt
  • whistle
  • win-trophy


  • breakdown
  • celsius
  • clouds
  • cloudy
  • dust
  • eclipse
  • fahrenheit
  • forest-fire
  • full-night
  • full-sunny
  • hail-night
  • hail-rainy-night
  • hail-rainy-sunny
  • hail-rainy
  • hail-sunny
  • hail-thunder-night
  • hail-thunder-sunny
  • hail-thunder
  • hail
  • hill-night
  • hill-sunny
  • hurricane
  • meteor
  • night
  • rainy-night
  • rainy-sunny
  • rainy-thunder
  • rainy
  • snow-alt
  • snow-flake
  • snow-temp
  • snow
  • snowy-hail
  • snowy-night-hail
  • snowy-night-rainy
  • snowy-night
  • snowy-rainy
  • snowy-sunny-hail
  • snowy-sunny-rainy
  • snowy-sunny
  • snowy-thunder-night
  • snowy-thunder-sunny
  • snowy-thunder
  • snowy-windy-night
  • snowy-windy-sunny
  • snowy-windy
  • snowy
  • sun-alt
  • sun-rise
  • sun-set
  • sun
  • sunny-day-temp
  • sunny
  • thunder-light
  • tornado
  • umbrella-alt
  • umbrella
  • volcano
  • wave
  • wind-scale-0
  • wind-scale-1
  • wind-scale-10
  • wind-scale-11
  • wind-scale-12
  • wind-scale-2
  • wind-scale-3
  • wind-scale-4
  • wind-scale-5
  • wind-scale-6
  • wind-scale-7
  • wind-scale-8
  • wind-scale-9
  • wind-waves
  • wind
  • windy-hail
  • windy-night
  • windy-raining
  • windy-sunny
  • windy-thunder-raining
  • windy-thunder
  • windy


  • architecture-alt
  • architecture
  • barricade
  • bolt
  • bricks
  • building-alt
  • bull-dozer
  • calculations
  • cement-mix
  • cement-mixer
  • concrete-mixer
  • danger-zone
  • drill
  • eco-energy
  • eco-environmen
  • energy-air
  • energy-oil
  • energy-savings
  • energy-solar
  • energy-water
  • engineer
  • fire-extinguisher-alt
  • fire-extinguisher
  • fix-tools
  • fork-lift
  • glue-oil
  • hammer-alt
  • hammer
  • help-robot
  • industries-1
  • industries-2
  • industries-3
  • industries-4
  • industries-5
  • industries
  • labour
  • mining
  • paint-brush
  • pollution
  • power-zone
  • radio-active
  • recycle-alt
  • recycling-man
  • safety-hat-light
  • safety-hat
  • saw
  • screw-driver
  • tools-1
  • tools-bag
  • tow-truck
  • trolley
  • trowel
  • under-construction-alt
  • under-construction
  • vehicle-cement
  • vehicle-crane
  • vehicle-delivery-van
  • vehicle-dozer
  • vehicle-excavator
  • vehicle-trucktor
  • vehicle-wrecking
  • worker
  • workers-group
  • wrench


  • aids
  • ambulance-crescent
  • ambulance-cross
  • ambulance
  • autism
  • bandage
  • blind
  • blood-drop
  • blood-test
  • blood
  • brain-alt
  • brain
  • capsule
  • crutch
  • disabled
  • dna-alt-1
  • dna-alt-2
  • dna
  • doctor-alt
  • doctor
  • drug-pack
  • drug
  • first-aid-alt
  • first-aid
  • heart-beat-alt
  • heart-beat
  • heartbeat
  • herbal
  • hospital
  • icu
  • injection-syringe
  • laboratory
  • medical-sign-alt
  • medical-sign
  • nurse-alt
  • nurse
  • nursing-home
  • operation-theater
  • paralysis-disability
  • patient-bed
  • patient-file
  • pills
  • prescription
  • pulse
  • stethoscope-alt
  • stethoscope
  • stretcher
  • surgeon-alt
  • surgeon
  • tablets
  • test-bottle
  • test-tube
  • thermometer-alt
  • thermometer
  • tooth
  • xray


  • air-balloon
  • airplane-alt
  • airplane
  • articulated-truck
  • auto-mobile
  • auto-rickshaw
  • bicycle-alt-1
  • bicycle-alt-2
  • bicycle
  • bus-alt-1
  • bus-alt-2
  • bus-alt-3
  • bus
  • cab
  • cable-car
  • car-alt-1
  • car-alt-2
  • car-alt-3
  • car-alt-4
  • car
  • delivery-time
  • fast-delivery
  • fire-truck-alt
  • fire-truck
  • free-delivery
  • helicopter
  • motor-bike-alt
  • motor-bike
  • motor-biker
  • oil-truck
  • rickshaw
  • rocket-alt-1
  • rocket-alt-2
  • rocket
  • sail-boat-alt-1
  • sail-boat-alt-2
  • sail-boat
  • scooter
  • sea-plane
  • ship-alt
  • ship
  • speed-boat
  • taxi
  • tractor
  • train-line
  • train-steam
  • tram
  • truck-alt
  • truck-loaded
  • truck
  • van-alt
  • van
  • yacht


  • android-nexus
  • android-tablet
  • apple-watch
  • drawing-tablet
  • earphone
  • flash-drive
  • game-console
  • game-controller
  • game-pad
  • game
  • headphone-alt-1
  • headphone-alt-2
  • headphone-alt-3
  • headphone-alt
  • headphone
  • htc-one
  • imac
  • ipad
  • iphone
  • ipod-nano
  • ipod-touch
  • keyboard-alt
  • keyboard-wireless
  • keyboard
  • laptop-alt
  • laptop
  • macbook
  • magic-mouse
  • micro-chip
  • microphone-alt
  • microphone
  • monitor
  • mouse
  • mp3-player
  • nintendo
  • playstation-alt
  • psvita
  • radio-mic
  • radio
  • refrigerator
  • samsung-galaxy
  • surface-tablet
  • ui-head-phone
  • ui-keyboard
  • washing-machine
  • wifi-router
  • wii-u
  • windows-lumia
  • wireless-mouse
  • xbox-360


  • 2checkout-alt
  • 2checkout
  • amazon-alt
  • amazon
  • american-express-alt
  • american-express
  • apple-pay-alt
  • apple-pay
  • bank-transfer-alt
  • bank-transfer
  • braintree-alt
  • braintree
  • cash-on-delivery-alt
  • cash-on-delivery
  • diners-club-alt-1
  • diners-club-alt-2
  • diners-club-alt-3
  • diners-club
  • discover-alt
  • discover
  • eway-alt
  • eway
  • google-wallet-alt-1
  • google-wallet-alt-2
  • google-wallet-alt-3
  • google-wallet
  • jcb-alt
  • jcb
  • maestro-alt
  • maestro
  • mastercard-alt
  • mastercard
  • payoneer-alt
  • payoneer
  • paypal-alt
  • paypal
  • sage-alt
  • sage
  • skrill-alt
  • skrill
  • stripe-alt
  • stripe
  • visa-alt
  • visa-electron
  • visa
  • western-union-alt
  • western-union


  • abacus-alt
  • abacus
  • angle-180
  • angle-45
  • angle-90
  • angle
  • calculator-alt-1
  • calculator-alt-2
  • calculator
  • circle-ruler-alt
  • circle-ruler
  • compass-alt-1
  • compass-alt-2
  • compass-alt-3
  • compass-alt-4
  • golden-ratio
  • marker-alt-1
  • marker-alt-2
  • marker-alt-3
  • marker
  • math
  • mathematical-alt-1
  • mathematical-alt-2
  • mathematical
  • pen-alt-1
  • pen-alt-2
  • pen-alt-3
  • pen-holder-alt-1
  • pen-holder
  • pen
  • pencil-alt-1
  • pencil-alt-2
  • pencil-alt-3
  • pencil-alt-4
  • pencil
  • ruler-alt-1
  • ruler-alt-2
  • ruler-compass-alt
  • ruler-compass
  • ruler-pencil-alt-1
  • ruler-pencil-alt-2
  • ruler-pencil
  • ruler
  • rulers-alt
  • rulers
  • square-root
  • ui-calculator

Text Editor

  • align-center
  • align-left
  • align-right
  • all-caps
  • bold
  • brush
  • clip-board
  • code-alt
  • color-bucket
  • color-picker
  • copy-invert
  • copy
  • cut
  • delete-alt
  • edit-alt
  • eraser-alt
  • font
  • heading
  • indent
  • italic-alt
  • italic
  • justify-all
  • justify-center
  • justify-left
  • justify-right
  • link-broken
  • outdent
  • paper-clip
  • paragraph
  • pin
  • printer
  • redo
  • rotation
  • save
  • small-cap
  • strike-through
  • sub-listing
  • subscript
  • superscript
  • table
  • text-height
  • text-width
  • trash
  • underline
  • undo


  • angry-monster
  • bathtub
  • bird-wings
  • bow
  • castle
  • circuit
  • crown-king
  • crown-queen
  • dart
  • disability-race
  • diving-goggle
  • eye-open
  • flora-flower
  • flora
  • gift-box
  • halloween-pumpkin
  • hand-power
  • hand-thunder
  • king-monster
  • love
  • magician-hat
  • native-american
  • owl-look
  • phoenix
  • robot-face
  • sand-clock
  • shield-alt
  • ship-wheel
  • skull-danger
  • skull-face
  • snowmobile
  • space-shuttle
  • star-shape
  • swirl
  • tattoo-wing
  • throne
  • tree-alt
  • triangle
  • unity-hand
  • weed
  • woman-bird


  • abc
  • atom
  • award
  • bell-alt
  • black-board
  • book-alt
  • book
  • brainstorming
  • certificate-alt-1
  • certificate-alt-2
  • certificate
  • education
  • electron
  • fountain-pen
  • globe-alt
  • graduate-alt
  • graduate
  • group-students
  • hat-alt
  • hat
  • instrument
  • lamp-light
  • medal
  • microscope-alt
  • microscope
  • paper
  • pen-alt-4
  • pen-nib
  • pencil-alt-5
  • quill-pen
  • read-book-alt
  • read-book
  • school-bag
  • school-bus
  • student-alt
  • student
  • teacher
  • test-bulb
  • test-tube-alt
  • university


  • burglar
  • cannon-firing
  • cc-camera
  • cop-badge
  • cop
  • court-hammer
  • court
  • finger-print
  • gavel
  • handcuff-alt
  • handcuff
  • investigation
  • investigator
  • jail
  • judge
  • law-alt-1
  • law-alt-2
  • law-alt-3
  • law-book
  • law-document
  • law-order
  • law-protect
  • law-scales
  • law
  • lawyer-alt-1
  • lawyer-alt-2
  • lawyer
  • legal
  • pistol
  • police-badge
  • police-cap
  • police-car-alt-1
  • police-car-alt-2
  • police-car
  • police-hat
  • police-van
  • police
  • thief-alt
  • thief


  • boy
  • business-man-alt-1
  • business-man-alt-2
  • business-man-alt-3
  • business-man
  • female
  • funky-man
  • girl-alt
  • girl
  • group
  • hotel-boy-alt
  • hotel-boy
  • kid
  • man-in-glasses
  • people
  • support
  • user-alt-1
  • user-alt-2
  • user-alt-3
  • user-alt-4
  • user-alt-5
  • user-alt-6
  • user-alt-7
  • user-female
  • user-male
  • user-suited
  • user
  • users-alt-1
  • users-alt-2
  • users-alt-3
  • users-alt-4
  • users-alt-5
  • users-alt-6
  • users-social
  • users
  • waiter-alt
  • waiter
  • woman-in-glasses


  • cassette-player
  • cassette
  • forward
  • guiter
  • movie
  • multimedia
  • music-alt
  • music-disk
  • music-note
  • music-notes
  • music
  • mute-volume
  • pause
  • play-alt-1
  • play-alt-2
  • play-alt-3
  • play-pause
  • play
  • record
  • retro-music-disk
  • rewind
  • song-notes
  • sound-wave-alt
  • sound-wave
  • stop
  • video-alt
  • video-cam
  • video-clapper
  • video
  • volume-bar
  • volume-down
  • volume-mute
  • volume-off
  • volume-up
  • youtube-play


  • bank-alt
  • bank
  • barcode
  • bill-alt
  • billboard
  • briefcase-1
  • briefcase-2
  • businessman
  • businesswoman
  • chair
  • coins
  • company
  • contact-add
  • files-stack
  • handshake-deal
  • id-card
  • meeting-add
  • money-bag
  • pie-chart
  • presentation-alt
  • presentation
  • stamp
  • stock-mobile


  • chart-arrows-axis
  • chart-bar-graph
  • chart-flow-1
  • chart-flow-2
  • chart-flow
  • chart-growth
  • chart-histogram-alt
  • chart-histogram
  • chart-line-alt
  • chart-line
  • chart-pie-alt
  • chart-pie
  • chart-radar-graph


  • search-1
  • search-2
  • search-document
  • search-folder
  • search-job
  • search-map
  • search-property
  • search-restaurant
  • search-stock
  • search-user
  • search


  • addons
  • 500px
  • aim
  • badoo
  • baidu-tieba
  • bbm-messenger
  • bebo
  • behance
  • blogger
  • bootstrap
  • brightkite
  • cloudapp
  • concrete5
  • delicious
  • designbump
  • designfloat
  • deviantart
  • digg
  • dotcms
  • dribbble
  • dribble
  • dropbox
  • ebuddy
  • ello
  • ember
  • envato
  • evernote
  • facebook-messenger
  • facebook
  • feedburner
  • flikr
  • folkd
  • foursquare
  • friendfeed
  • ghost
  • github
  • gnome
  • google-buzz
  • google-hangouts
  • google-map
  • google-plus
  • google-talk
  • hype-machine
  • instagram
  • kakaotalk
  • kickstarter
  • kik
  • kiwibox
  • line-messenger
  • line
  • linkedin
  • linux-mint
  • live-messenger
  • livejournal
  • magento
  • meetme
  • meetup
  • mixx
  • newsvine
  • nimbuss
  • odnoklassniki
  • opencart
  • oscommerce
  • pandora
  • photobucket
  • picasa
  • pinterest
  • prestashop
  • qik
  • qq
  • readernaut
  • reddit
  • renren
  • rss
  • shopify
  • silverstripe
  • skype
  • slack
  • slashdot
  • slidshare
  • smugmug
  • snapchat
  • soundcloud
  • spotify
  • stack-exchange
  • stack-overflow
  • steam
  • stumbleupon
  • tagged
  • technorati
  • telegram
  • tinder
  • trello
  • tumblr
  • twitch
  • twitter
  • typo3
  • ubercart
  • viber
  • viddler
  • vimeo
  • vine
  • virb
  • virtuemart
  • vk
  • wechat
  • weibo
  • whatsapp
  • xing
  • yahoo
  • yelp
  • youku
  • youtube
  • zencart