Contact Info
Ottar Landfalds veg
Ottestad, Stange
+47 969 57 088

Jam Icon Set

Below you can find the list of 800+ solid font icons. All these retina-ready icons
can easily be styled by color, size, shadow, and anything possible with CSS.


  • activity
  • alarm-clock
  • alert
  • alien
  • anchor
  • aperture
  • archive
  • attachment
  • backpack
  • bandage
  • bar-chart
  • baseball
  • basketball
  • bathtub
  • battery-charging
  • battery-half
  • battery-one-quarter
  • battery-three-quarters
  • battery
  • beer
  • bell-off
  • bell
  • birthday-cake
  • bluetooth
  • book
  • bookmark-minus
  • bookmark-plus
  • bookmark-remove
  • bookmark
  • bottle
  • box
  • branch
  • brightness-down
  • brightness-up
  • brightness
  • brush
  • bug
  • building
  • bus
  • cactus
  • calculator
  • calendar-alt
  • calendar
  • camera-alt
  • camera
  • candle
  • capsule
  • car
  • castle
  • check
  • chronometer
  • circle
  • clipboard
  • clock
  • close-circle
  • close-rectangle
  • close
  • cloud-rain
  • cloud-snow
  • cloud-thunder
  • cloud
  • coffee-cup
  • coffee
  • cog
  • cogs
  • coin
  • compass
  • computer-alt
  • computer
  • credit-card
  • crop
  • crown
  • cutlery
  • cutter
  • dashboard
  • database
  • delete
  • direction
  • directions
  • disc
  • dj
  • dna
  • document
  • door
  • download
  • egg
  • eggs
  • envelope-open
  • envelope
  • extinguisher
  • eye-close
  • eye
  • eyedropper
  • feather
  • female
  • file
  • files
  • filter
  • fingerprint
  • first-aid
  • fish
  • flag
  • flame
  • flashlight-off
  • flashlight-on
  • flask
  • flower
  • folder-open
  • folder-zip
  • folder
  • football
  • fork
  • gamepad-retro
  • gamepad
  • ghost
  • gift
  • glass-empty
  • glass-filled
  • glue
  • gps
  • grid
  • hairdryer
  • hammer
  • hashtag
  • headset
  • heart
  • helmet
  • help
  • highlighter
  • history
  • home
  • hourglass
  • ice-cream
  • id-card
  • inbox
  • inboxes
  • infinite
  • info
  • instant-picture
  • joystick
  • key
  • keyboard
  • language
  • layers
  • layout
  • leaf
  • lifebuoy
  • lightbulb
  • link
  • log-in
  • log-out
  • luggage
  • magic
  • magnet
  • male
  • map-marker
  • map
  • mask
  • medal
  • medical
  • menu
  • merge
  • message-alt-writing
  • message-alt
  • message-writing
  • message
  • messages-alt
  • messages
  • mic
  • microchip
  • minus-circle
  • minus-rectangle
  • minus
  • moon
  • more-horizontal
  • more-vertical
  • mountain
  • move-alt
  • move
  • movie
  • mug
  • music
  • newsletter
  • newspaper
  • padlock-alt-open
  • padlock-alt
  • padlock-open
  • padlock
  • paper-plane
  • pen
  • pencil
  • phone
  • picture
  • pictures
  • pie-chart-alt
  • pie-chart
  • pin-alt
  • pin
  • pizza-slice
  • plane
  • plug
  • plus-circle
  • plus-rectangle
  • plus
  • pocket-watch
  • podcast
  • printer
  • qr-code
  • rainbow
  • rectangle
  • redo
  • refresh-reverse
  • refresh
  • rocket
  • rss-feed
  • rubber
  • ruler
  • save
  • scissors
  • screen
  • screwdriver
  • search-folder
  • search-minus
  • search-plus
  • search
  • set-square
  • settings-alt
  • share-alt
  • share
  • shield-check
  • shield-close
  • shield-half
  • shield-minus
  • shield-plus
  • shield
  • shopping-bag-alt
  • shopping-bag
  • shopping-cart
  • signal
  • sitemap
  • skull
  • smiley
  • snowboard
  • snowflake
  • speaker
  • square
  • stamp
  • star-half
  • star
  • station
  • stop-sign
  • store
  • sun
  • switch-left
  • switch-right
  • sword
  • tablet
  • tag
  • tags
  • target
  • task-list
  • temperature
  • terminal
  • thunder
  • ticket
  • tools
  • torch
  • totem
  • train
  • transgender
  • trash-alt
  • trash
  • tree-alt
  • tree
  • triangle-danger
  • triangle
  • trophy
  • tube
  • umbrella-closed
  • umbrella
  • undo
  • universe
  • upload
  • user-circle
  • user-minus
  • user-plus
  • user-remove
  • user-square
  • user
  • users
  • video-camera-vintage
  • video-camera
  • voicemail
  • watch
  • water-drop
  • wifi
  • world
  • wrench
  • write
  • alarm-clock-f
  • alert-f
  • alien-f
  • archive-f
  • backpack-f
  • bandage-f
  • bathtub-f
  • battery-charging-f
  • battery-f
  • battery-half-f
  • battery-one-quarter-f
  • battery-three-quarters-f
  • beer-f
  • bell-f
  • bell-off-f
  • birthday-cake-f
  • book-f
  • bookmark-f
  • bookmark-minus-f
  • bookmark-plus-f
  • bookmark-remove-f
  • bottle-f
  • box-f
  • branch-f
  • brightness-down-f
  • brightness-up-f
  • brush-f
  • bug-f
  • building-f
  • bus-f
  • cactus-f
  • calendar-alt-f
  • calendar-f
  • camera-alt-f
  • camera-f
  • candle-f
  • capsule-f
  • car-f
  • castle-f
  • chronometer-f
  • circle-f
  • clipboard-f
  • clock-f
  • close-circle-f
  • close-rectangle-f
  • cloud-f
  • cloud-rain-f
  • cloud-snow-f
  • cloud-thunder-f
  • coffee-cup-f
  • cog-f
  • cogs-f
  • coin-f
  • compass-f
  • computer-alt-f
  • computer-f
  • credit-card-f
  • crown-f
  • cutlery-f
  • cutter-f
  • dashboard-f
  • database-f
  • delete-f
  • direction-f
  • directions-f
  • disc-f
  • dj-f
  • document-f
  • egg-f
  • eggs-f
  • envelope-f
  • envelope-open-f
  • extinguisher-f
  • eye-close-f
  • eye-f
  • eyedropper-f
  • feather-f
  • file-f
  • files-f
  • filter-f
  • first-aid-f
  • flag-f
  • flame-f
  • flashlight-off-f
  • flashlight-on-f
  • folder-f
  • folder-open-f
  • folder-zip-f
  • fork-f
  • gamepad-f
  • gamepad-retro-f
  • ghost-f
  • gift-f
  • glass-filled-f
  • glue-f
  • gps-f
  • grid-f
  • hairdryer-f
  • hammer-f
  • headset-f
  • heart-f
  • helmet-f
  • help-f
  • highlighter-f
  • home-f
  • hourglass-f
  • ice-cream-f
  • id-card-f
  • inbox-f
  • inboxes-f
  • info-f
  • instant-picture-f
  • joystick-f
  • key-f
  • keyboard-f
  • layers-f
  • layout-f
  • leaf-f
  • lifebuoy-f
  • lightbulb-f
  • luggage-f
  • magic-f
  • magnet-f
  • map-f
  • map-marker-f
  • mask-f
  • medal-f
  • merge-f
  • message-alt-f
  • message-alt-writing-f
  • message-f
  • message-writing-f
  • messages-alt-f
  • messages-f
  • mic-f
  • microchip-f
  • minus-circle-f
  • minus-rectangle-f
  • moon-f
  • more-horizontal-f
  • more-vertical-f
  • mountain-f
  • mug-f
  • music-f
  • newsletter-f
  • newspaper-f
  • padlock-alt-f
  • padlock-alt-open-f
  • padlock-f
  • padlock-open-f
  • paper-plane-f
  • pen-f
  • pencil-f
  • phone-f
  • picture-f
  • pictures-f
  • pie-chart-f
  • pin-alt-f
  • pin-f
  • plane-f
  • plug-f
  • plus-circle-f
  • plus-rectangle-f
  • pocket-watch-f
  • printer-f
  • rectangle-f
  • rocket-f
  • ruler-f
  • save-f
  • screen-f
  • screwdriver-f
  • set-square-f
  • share-alt-f
  • shield-check-f
  • shield-close-f
  • shield-f
  • shield-minus-f
  • shield-plus-f
  • shopping-bag-alt-f
  • shopping-bag-f
  • sitemap-f
  • skull-f
  • smiley-f
  • snowboard-f
  • speaker-f
  • square-f
  • stamp-f
  • star-f
  • star-full
  • sun-f
  • switch-left-f
  • switch-right-f
  • sword-f
  • tablet-f
  • tag-f
  • tags-f
  • task-list-f
  • thunder-f
  • ticket-f
  • tools-f
  • torch-f
  • train-f
  • trash-alt-f
  • trash-f
  • tree-alt-f
  • tree-f
  • triangle-danger-f
  • triangle-f
  • trophy-f
  • umbrella-closed-f
  • umbrella-f
  • video-camera-f
  • video-camera-vintage-f
  • watch-f
  • water-drop-f
  • wrench-f
  • write-f


  • arrow-circle-down-left
  • arrow-circle-down-right
  • arrow-circle-down
  • arrow-circle-left
  • arrow-circle-right
  • arrow-circle-up-left
  • arrow-circle-up-right
  • arrow-circle-up
  • arrow-down-left
  • arrow-down-right
  • arrow-down
  • arrow-left
  • arrow-right
  • arrow-square-down-left
  • arrow-square-down-right
  • arrow-square-down
  • arrow-square-left
  • arrow-square-right
  • arrow-square-up-left
  • arrow-square-up-right
  • arrow-square-up
  • arrow-up-left
  • arrow-up-right
  • arrow-up
  • arrows-corners
  • arrows-fullscreen
  • arrows-h
  • arrows-v
  • chevron-circle-down-left
  • chevron-circle-down-right
  • chevron-circle-down
  • chevron-circle-left
  • chevron-circle-right
  • chevron-circle-up-left
  • chevron-circle-up-right
  • chevron-circle-up
  • chevron-down-left
  • chevron-down-right
  • chevron-down
  • chevron-left
  • chevron-right
  • chevron-square-down-left
  • chevron-square-down-right
  • chevron-square-down
  • chevron-square-left
  • chevron-square-right
  • chevron-square-up-left
  • chevron-square-up-right
  • chevron-square-up
  • chevron-up-left
  • chevron-up-right
  • chevron-up
  • chevrons-circle-down-left
  • chevrons-circle-down-right
  • chevrons-circle-down
  • chevrons-circle-left
  • chevrons-circle-right
  • chevrons-circle-up-left
  • chevrons-circle-up-right
  • chevrons-circle-up
  • chevrons-down-left
  • chevrons-down-right
  • chevrons-down
  • chevrons-left
  • chevrons-right
  • chevrons-square-down-left
  • chevrons-square-down-right
  • chevrons-square-down
  • chevrons-square-left
  • chevrons-square-right
  • chevrons-square-up-left
  • chevrons-square-up-right
  • chevrons-square-up
  • chevrons-up-left
  • chevrons-up-right
  • chevrons-up
  • arrow-circle-down-f
  • arrow-circle-down-left-f
  • arrow-circle-down-right-f
  • arrow-circle-left-f
  • arrow-circle-right-f
  • arrow-circle-up-f
  • arrow-circle-up-left-f
  • arrow-circle-up-right-f
  • arrow-square-down-f
  • arrow-square-down-left-f
  • arrow-square-down-right-f
  • arrow-square-left-f
  • arrow-square-right-f
  • arrow-square-up-f
  • arrow-square-up-left-f
  • arrow-square-up-right-f
  • chevron-circle-down-f
  • chevron-circle-down-left-f
  • chevron-circle-down-right-f
  • chevron-circle-left-f
  • chevron-circle-right-f
  • chevron-circle-up-f
  • chevron-circle-up-left-f
  • chevron-circle-up-right-f
  • chevron-square-down-f
  • chevron-square-down-left-f
  • chevron-square-down-right-f
  • chevron-square-left-f
  • chevron-square-right-f
  • chevron-square-up-f
  • chevron-square-up-left-f
  • chevron-square-up-right-f
  • chevrons-circle-down-f
  • chevrons-circle-down-left-f
  • chevrons-circle-down-right-f
  • chevrons-circle-left-f
  • chevrons-circle-right-f
  • chevrons-circle-up-f
  • chevrons-circle-up-left-f
  • chevrons-circle-up-right-f
  • chevrons-square-down-f
  • chevrons-square-down-left-f
  • chevrons-square-down-right-f
  • chevrons-square-left-f
  • chevrons-square-right-f
  • chevrons-square-up-f
  • chevrons-square-up-left-f
  • chevrons-square-up-right-f


  • backward-circle
  • backward-square
  • backward
  • eject-circle
  • eject-square
  • eject
  • fast-backward-circle
  • fast-backward-square
  • fast-backward
  • fast-forward-circle
  • fast-forward-square
  • fast-forward
  • forward-circle
  • forward-square
  • forward
  • mic-alt
  • mic-circle
  • mic-square
  • pause
  • play-circle
  • play-square
  • play
  • power
  • rec
  • repeat
  • set-backward-circle
  • set-backward-square
  • set-backward
  • set-forward-circle
  • set-forward-square
  • set-forward
  • shuffle
  • stop
  • volume-circle
  • volume-down-circle
  • volume-down-square
  • volume-down
  • volume-mute-circle
  • volume-mute-square
  • volume-mute
  • volume-square
  • volume-up-circle
  • volume-up-square
  • volume-up
  • volume
  • backward-circle-f
  • backward-square-f
  • eject-circle-f
  • eject-square-f
  • fast-backward-circle-f
  • fast-backward-square-f
  • fast-forward-circle-f
  • fast-forward-square-f
  • forward-circle-f
  • forward-square-f
  • mic-circle-f
  • mic-square-f
  • play-circle-f
  • play-square-f
  • set-backward-circle-f
  • set-backward-square-f
  • set-forward-circle-f
  • set-forward-square-f
  • volume-circle-f
  • volume-down-circle-f
  • volume-down-square-f
  • volume-mute-circle-f
  • volume-mute-square-f
  • volume-square-f
  • volume-up-circle-f
  • volume-up-square-f


  • align-center
  • align-justify
  • align-left
  • align-right
  • background-color
  • bold
  • clear-format
  • color
  • header-1
  • header-2
  • header-3
  • header-4
  • header-5
  • header-6
  • header
  • indent
  • italic
  • ordered-list
  • strikethrough
  • underline
  • unindent
  • unordered-list


  • android-square
  • android
  • apple-circle
  • apple-square
  • apple
  • baidu-circle
  • baidu-square
  • baidu
  • beatport-circle
  • beatport-square
  • beatport
  • behance-circle
  • behance-square
  • behance
  • bing-circle
  • bing-square
  • bing
  • blogger-circle
  • blogger-square
  • blogger
  • codepen-circle
  • codepen-square
  • codepen
  • deezer-circle
  • deezer-square
  • deezer
  • deviantart-circle
  • deviantart-square
  • deviantart
  • digg
  • disqus-circle
  • disqus-square
  • disqus
  • drupal-circle
  • drupal-square
  • drupal
  • ebay
  • facebook-circle
  • facebook-square
  • facebook
  • fiverr-circle
  • fiverr-square
  • fiverr
  • flickr-circle
  • flickr-square
  • flickr
  • foursquare
  • ghost-org-circle
  • ghost-org-square
  • ghost-org
  • github-circle
  • github-square
  • github
  • gitlab-circle
  • gitlab-square
  • gitlab
  • google-circle
  • google-play-circle
  • google-play-square
  • google-play
  • google-square
  • google
  • instagram
  • line
  • linkedin-circle
  • linkedin-square
  • linkedin
  • medium-circle
  • medium-square
  • medium
  • messenger
  • myspace-circle
  • myspace-square
  • myspace
  • napster-circle
  • napster-square
  • napster
  • npm
  • odnoklassniki-circle
  • odnoklassniki-square
  • odnoklassniki
  • opera-circle
  • opera-square
  • opera
  • patreon-circle
  • patreon-square
  • patreon
  • paypal-circle
  • paypal-square
  • paypal
  • periscope-circle
  • periscope-square
  • periscope
  • pinterest-circle
  • pinterest-square
  • pinterest
  • quora-circle
  • quora-square
  • quora
  • reddit
  • shopify-circle
  • shopify-square
  • shopify
  • skype-circle
  • skype-square
  • skype
  • snapchat-circle
  • snapchat-square
  • snapchat
  • soundcloud
  • spotify
  • squarespace-circle
  • squarespace-square
  • squarespace
  • stackoverflow-circle
  • stackoverflow-square
  • stackoverflow
  • stumbleupon-circle
  • stumbleupon-square
  • stumbleupon
  • trello
  • tumblr-circle
  • tumblr-square
  • tumblr
  • twitch
  • twitter-circle
  • twitter-square
  • twitter
  • unsplash-circle
  • unsplash-square
  • unsplash
  • viadeo
  • viber-circle
  • viber-square
  • viber
  • vimeo-circle
  • vimeo-square
  • vimeo
  • vine-circle
  • vine-square
  • vine
  • whatsapp
  • wikipedia
  • wordpress
  • yahoo-circle
  • yahoo-square
  • yahoo
  • yelp-circle
  • yelp-square
  • yelp
  • youtube-circle
  • youtube-square
  • youtube